Friday, January 9, 2009


This one was written for a family reunion....we were pirates and we was lookin' for me treasure!!!!! We dug and big hole after a bunch of games and we found it!!!! But this is all that we found :-(

Alas ye've made it to all o' me friends
Imma sorry to tell ye but this ain't where this ends
Ye've searched and ye've plundered but to no avail
This is only the beginning of all yer trail

But I'll be tellin' ye only one thing...

The treasure ye need cannot be found
For as I's be seein' it it's on top o' the ground
I've lived my life with so many regrets
With too many lies, whoredoms and bets
Diggin' up gold with money to spare
I took on a hottey and selfish heir
And now as I sit here and feelin' incomplete
Me matie from long ago I's like ye to meet
His name be not important as the lesson he taught
The love of a family to my attention he brought
This matie ne'er be diggin' or holdin' a map
He says he knows where he's goin' what a crazy ole chap

"I's spent me time stealin' and findin' and such
Treasure I've found oh yes very much
I have me silver and I had me gold
Enough's to keep me's rich until I grew old
Me's had this feeling I be missin' out
About me riches I had me doubt
I then met me dear lovely wife
She's been makin' me realize I only had half a life
I've got me wife and me dear Sammy
There's be Liza, oh what a feisty one she be!"

This not be makin' much sense to me
So's I ask him more of this family

"I wake each moring to a smile and a kiss
Whether is be from Sam or Liza they ne'er miss
We's always be talkin' and makin' our plans
Discussin' our Lord and chillin's demands
There's be no place I'd rather be spendin' me time
Cuz this family, you see, is mine all mine
We argue and fight forgetting our love
But then we recieve guidance from up above
Supportin' is what we try to do
Each night sittin' and doin' a slight review
We set aside time to be all alone
Praisin' our God for we ain't been doin' it on our own"

The happiness we seek he says he already had
and for this he was always eternally glad
I's been watchin' him waste his life away
Playin' house and cleanin' and doin' whate'er his wifey say
And now as I's be burin' the end o' me treasure
I's finally realize this brought me no pleasure
Me life be unfulfilled, and empty at best
Dying lonely and hated just like the rest
I want a Johnny or Liza to be near to me
A tight-knit family me's would like to be
Me's wish me life woulda been spent laughin' enjoyin' me time
The treasures I had were GREAT but not prime
I's be envying me land lubber friend
But he's once told me that this life ain't the end

"You still have a chance to have all I do
Don't worry my brother you will make it through
There's a life after this and a treasure you'll find there
It's hard at times so I tell ye beware
Gold and silver can ne'er take the place
My family and God I'll ne'er replace
For I'll tell you thing beyond any measure
My family is my greatest treasure."

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